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Summer 2012 Art Restoration Workshops in Puglia - Italy

Session 1: June, 13-30th, 2012
Session 2: July, 4-21st, 2012

The Art Restoration Workshops include a practical 'hands on' experience in the process of conservation and restoration of Frescoes, Canvas, Wood, Stone and Decorative paintings and plaster in the rich cultural setting of Puglia region. By learning and activily working, participants also contribute to the conservation of the art and historical heritage of the region.

There are no prerequisites required to participate to the workshops.

- The Frescoes that are worked on and studied are part of the rupestral Byzantine settlements (underground habitations) located in the Alta Murgia area, which include the masseria ("farmhouse") of Jesce, the Masseria of Carpentino, the Masseria of Fornello, the Crypt of San Michele delle Grotte, and Grotta dell' Angelo dating from the 14th to 16th century.
In these rural settings, the ipogei settlements represented important centers of social and religious activities. The communities of this area created their own cultural identity, finding artistic expression in works of religious iconographic art. Between the 8th and the 12th centuries, small monastic and lay communities emigrated to Southern Italy. The high Murgia was one of the places of major activity due to it being the point of contact between two religious currents: the Latin Monastic tradition and the Basilian monks from Cappadoccia (Turkey) and Armenia, of Greek Orthodox origin.
Participants will also create their own frescoes employing traditional techniques and materials- from making the plaster,' sinopia' underdrawings, and painting with natural pigments.

- Wood Statue and Canvases are provided by local churches and private collections and will be worked on onsite at Masseria La Selva. Participants will be introduced to examples of 17th to 19th centuries wood statues and paintings that are unique to the history of the Altamurgia region. Most of the artworks selected for the program are religious subjects.
While the authors themselves are not very well known, the patronage they recieved from nobilty and church congregations, inculcated with a strong devotional culture, allowed them to create works of notable atistry. Part of these artworks are still carried in religious processions.

- Decorative study is conducted onsite at Masseria La Selva and provides the basics of the natural materials and techniques employed in Decorative Arts- murals, wall paintings, trompe l'oile, decoration, faux finishes, and plaster frieze. An overview of natural pigments, lime mixture variations, and types of grains and sands. Participants will practice the process of decorative painting restoration, and surface preparation and mdesign. Practice of decorative mortar frieze.

More info.

contact: Tonio Creanza
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