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Dr. Michel bouchard


Scientist in charge
14 rue d'Alesia
75014 Paris
French Guiana, FR

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Scientist in Charge CARAA -Centre d'Analyses et de Recherche en Art et Archéologie- 2010 until now

CARAA is an analytical research unit which applies the most suitable and modern physico-chemical techniques existing for cultural heritage and art market in order to answer questions related to the conservation, restoration, dating, characterization or authentication of art objects.

Conservation Scientist 2007-2010

The Getty Conservation Institute (since Oct. 2006-)
- Conservation care of works of Art (sculptures, paintings, decorative arts, ...), adapted spectroscopic and chemical analyses and establish the best protocol for the conservation or the restoration of the object
- Scientific pre-acquisition/ or pre-exhibition expertise of works of Art.       
- Fundamental research (e.g.: Electrochemical cleaning of tarnished silver objects,...).

Invited Researcher

National Natural History Museum of Paris: USM 103 /UMR 5198 CNRS/Muséum, Départ. de Préhistoire.
Research subject: Analysis by Raman Microscopy of black, white and yellow pigments from cave paintings on the site of Santa Elina in Brazil (Matto Grosso).

Research Engineer (from oct. 2003 to may 2005)

University Paris XIII-CNRS, contract between four universities and three industrials firms.
Research subject: Study of the photocatalysis action of anti-UV inorganic agents to be incorporated into varnishes to avoid the discoloration of wood.

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