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Areas of expertise, specializations and fields of work

Articles and references from restorers, artisans and monument conservators

On this page you can find out more about projects, specialist articles and references from restorers, conservators, artisans and monument conservators. The articles are arranged according to specialist areas, fields of work and categories. Simply click on the image or the title of a category in the alphabetical overview. The overview includes, for example, the specialist areas "Archaeological excavation", "Book restoration" or "Metal objects".

Overview by subject areas, projects and profiles

After clicking on a specialist area, you will see a list of the projects, specialist articles and references from our members - the conservators - stored at Romoe. At the bottom of the overview you will find a list of registered restorers who are active in the respective specialist area.

All specialist areas and fields of work

Benefits, Services and Prices

Create your free profile, with detailed projects and references.
Here is an overview of the benefits of Romoe.

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