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Modern materials and media

The "Modern Materials and Media" specialist area focuses on the conservation and restoration of artworks and artifacts that use modern materials and media. Here we present a selection of professionals who specialize in the restoration and conservation of contemporary artworks, media and other modern materials. Members in this category have knowledge and experience in material analysis, conservation techniques and digital archiving.

Discover references and profiles of these experts who are passionate about the challenge of preserving and protecting modern art and materials in order to maintain their cultural significance for future generations.
Die Restaurierung von transparenten Cellulosenitratlacken auf Möbeln.

Tagungsbeitrag beim Verband der Restauratoren, Tagungstitel: “Transparente Oberflächen auf Holz”, im... Atelier Lutzke, Dipl. Restauratorin, Bettina Lutzke
20180829 085818
Überlegungen zum Umgang mit gealterten CN-Lacken auf Möbeln.

Vortrag Technoseum Mannheim, 17.01.2017, Cellulosenitratlacke auf Möbeln. Restaurierungsgeschichte. ... Atelier Lutzke, Dipl. Restauratorin, Bettina Lutzke

Romoe network members

Dipl. Restaurator (Univ.) Maximilian Knidlberger
Dipl. Restaurator (Univ.)
Knidlberger, Maximilian
D-81543 München, Bayern

  • Conservation and restoration concepts
  • Ethnographic objects, folklore and ethnology
  • Furniture and room furnishings made of wood
  • Handicraft objects
  • Modern materials and media
  • Wood and wooden objects
Restaurierung von Gemälden und Skulpturen Antonia König
Antonia König, M.A.
Restaurierung von Gemälden und Skulpturen
König, Antonia
D-20459 Hamburg, Hamburg
Phone: 040 18 20 00 20

  • Gilding
  • Historical, modern and contemporary painting
  • Modern materials and media
  • Paintings and painting of paintings
  • Plastic and sculptures
  • Polychrome paintings
 Reto Kromer
AV Preservation by
Kromer, Reto
CH-3007 Bern, Bern
Phone: +41 77 435 2490

  • Conservation and restoration concepts
  • Modern materials and media
  • Photo, film and data media
 Sofie Laier Henriksen
Media Conservator
Laier Henriksen, Sofie
2100 Copenhagen,

  • Book restoration
  • Modern materials and media
  • Paper, documents, books and book illumination
  • Photo, film and data media
Dipl.-Rest. Julia Langenbacher
Langenbacher, Julia
D-20537 Hamburg, Hamburg

  • Modern materials and media
  • Paintings and painting of paintings
  • Panel painting and wood sculpture
  • Polychrome paintings
Restauratorin MA Sofie Lechner
Restauratorin MA
Lechner, Sofie
D-14469 Potsdam, Brandenburg

  • Conservation - General
  • Conservation and restoration concepts
  • Documentation
  • Handicraft objects
  • Metal objects
  • Modern materials and media
  • Restoration - General
  • Technical cultural assets
 Susanne Leydag
Leydag, Susanne
D-48308 Senden, Nordrhein-Westfalen

  • Documentation
  • Modern materials and media
  • Paintings and painting of paintings
  • Panel painting and wood sculpture
  • Picture panels and reredos
  • Plastic and sculptures
Dipl.Rest.(FH) Andjelka Lissner
Restaurierungsatelier Lissner
Lissner, Andjelka
D-80469 München, Bayern
Phone: 089 20334732

  • Conservation - General
  • Handicraft objects
  • Metal objects
  • Modern materials and media
  • Restoration - General
  • Technical cultural assets
Schreinermeisterin und Restauratorin Angelika Löffelsend
A. Löffelsend
Schreinermeisterin und Restauratorin
Löffelsend, Angelika
D-40545 Düsseldorf, Nordrhein-Westfalen
Phone: +49 211 578679

  • Furniture and room furnishings made of wood
  • Handicraft objects
  • Modern materials and media
  • Restoration - General
  • Wood and wooden objects
Dr. Dipl.-Restauratorin Barbara Lorenzer
Lorenzer & Heberle
Dr. Dipl.-Restauratorin
Lorenzer, Barbara
D-88662 Überlingen, Baden-Württemberg
Phone: +07551 932748

  • Gilding
  • Modern materials and media
  • Paintings and painting of paintings
  • Panel painting and wood sculpture
  • Restoration history and theory
  • Wallpaper, picture wallpaper and paper backing
Dipl. Rest. Katharina Martinelli
Dipl. Rest.
Martinelli, Katharina
D-10969 Berlin, Berlin
Phone: +49 30 95625818

  • Conservation - General
  • Historical, modern and contemporary painting
  • Modern materials and media
  • Paintings and painting of paintings
  • Preventive conservation
  • Restoration - General
Diplom-Restauratorin  Iris Masson
MASSON Art Conservation
Masson, Iris
D- Berlin, Berlin

  • Documentation
  • Gilding
  • Historical, modern and contemporary painting
  • Modern materials and media
  • Paintings and painting of paintings
  • Preventive conservation
 Wolf Christian Meyer zu Bargholz
Meyer zu Bargholz, Wolf Christian
D-33615 Bielefeld, Nordrhein-Westfalen
Phone: +49 521 96784121

  • Architectural and spatial design
  • Conservation - General
  • Conservation and restoration concepts
  • Modern materials and media
  • Preventive conservation
  • Restoration - General
 Franziska Motz
  • Conservation and restoration concepts
  • Modern materials and media
  • Paintings and painting of paintings
  • Preliminary examination
  • Preventive conservation
  • Restoration history and theory
 Melanie Münchau
Münchau, Melanie
D-14471 Potsdam, Brandenburg

  • Archaeological cultural assets and arts and crafts
  • Historical, modern and contemporary painting
  • Modern materials and media
  • Preventive conservation
  • Stucco and stucco sculptures
  • Wall paintings and stone objects
Dipl. Restauratorin M.A. Melanie Münchau
Dipl. Restauratorin M.A.
Münchau, Melanie
D- kommern, Nordrhein-Westfalen

  • Archaeological cultural assets and arts and crafts
  • Architectural and spatial design
  • Modern materials and media
  • Stone sculpture and stone architecture
  • Stucco and stucco sculptures
  • Wall painting and ceiling painting
Dipl.- Restauratorin Esther Nickel
Conservation Pool, Restaurierungsatelier & -büro
Dipl.- Restauratorin
Nickel, Esther
D-57610 Altenkirchen, Rheinland-Pfalz
Phone: +49 2681 7889110

  • Conservation and restoration concepts
  • Furniture and room furnishings made of wood
  • Modern materials and media
  • Preventive conservation
  • Specialist restoration planning
  • Wood and wooden objects
 René Otto
Otto, René
D-10559 Berlin, Berlin
Phone: +49 30 52682706

  • Conservation - General
  • Conservation and restoration concepts
  • Modern materials and media
  • Preventive conservation
  • Restoration - General
  • Wood and wooden objects
Dipl.Rest (FH) Isa Päffgen
Dipl.Rest (FH)
Päffgen, Isa
D- , Bayern

  • Conservation and restoration concepts
  • Gilding
  • Historical, modern and contemporary painting
  • Modern materials and media
  • Paintings and painting of paintings
  • Panel painting and wood sculpture
Dipl. und M.A. Restauratorin-Konservatorin Lara Pape, geb. Kreuzburg
Dipl. und M.A. Restauratorin-Konservatorin
Pape, geb. Kreuzburg, Lara
D- Münster, Nordrhein-Westfalen

  • Conservation and restoration concepts
  • Modern materials and media
  • Paper, documents, books and book illumination
  • Photo, film and data media
  • Preventive conservation
  • Specialist restoration planning
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