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Sculptures and architecture made of stone

This specialist area focuses on the preservation and restoration of stone sculptures and architectural elements. Here we present a selection of experts who specialize in the restoration and care of sculptures and stone architectural elements. From ancient statues to Gothic cathedrals, our members have experience and expertise in the treatment and restoration of works of art and buildings made of stone.

Discover references and profiles of these experts who are passionate about preserving sculptural works of art and architectural masterpieces in stone in order to preserve their cultural significance and historical splendor.
Marktkirche - Kanzel (Gotik)
Marktkirche Unser lieben Frauen, An der Marienkirche
Ausführung von Freilegung, Retusche und Teilrekonstruktion der gotischen Kanzelfassung, Vergoldung anuvito GmbH, Dipl. Designer / Restaurator, Rolf Möller
Südportal (von rechts)
Alte Kaserne Thun
Militärstrasse 24, Thun, Schweiz
Aushauen und Aufbau mit Trassmörtel, Fugen erneuern an Süd- und Nordfassade. Diverse Sanierungsarbei... SteinBauKunst, Steinbildhauermeister/Steinmetzmeister/Restaurator, Björn Kuse
20190331 155312
Altenbergstrasse 13, Bern
Altenbergstrasse 13, Bern, Schweiz
Aufmodellieren von Massivwerkstücken in Trassmörtel: Farbanpassung des Mörtels auf den spezifischen ... SteinBauKunst, Steinbildhauermeister/Steinmetzmeister/Restaurator, Björn Kuse
Sandsteinmuster SYMPOLBILD
Beromünster Luzern Brunnen
Beromünster, Schweiz
Muschelkalkbrunnen in Beromünster Demontage und Seitenteile erneuert, bestehende überarbeitet. Monta... SteinBauKunst, Steinbildhauermeister/Steinmetzmeister/Restaurator, Björn Kuse
Bundeshaus und Bundeshaus West
Bundesgasse 1, Bern, Schweiz
Hauen von Vierungen/Passungen, Aufbau in Trassmörtel, Erneuerung von Fugen. Einpassung von Modernisi... SteinBauKunst, Steinbildhauermeister/Steinmetzmeister/Restaurator, Björn Kuse
ev.Kirche neu
ev. Kirche, Nägeligasse Bern
evangelische Kirche Bern, Nägeligasse
Denkmalpflegerische Massnahme u.a. Trasszementmörtel SteinBauKunst, Steinbildhauermeister/Steinmetzmeister/Restaurator, Björn Kuse
Haus "Zur Hohen Lilie"
Domplatz 31, Erfurt, Deutschland
Schadenskartierung an der Fassade winter-restaurierungen, Diplomrestaurator (FH), Tobias Alexander Winter
Münster ULF, Mauritiuskapelle, Heiliges Grab (um 1260)
Konstanz, Deutschland
Die Diplomarbeit befasst sich hauptsächlich mit der noch relativ gut erhaltenen historischen Polychr... Diplom Restaurator (FH), Diplom Restaurator (FH), Stephan Bussmann
Palais Erzherzog Ludwig Viktor, Schwarzenbergplatz 1

Stein und Putz- Restaurierungs- und Konservierungsarbeiten an der gesamten Fassade. Atelier für Restaurierungen, Jan Josef MICHALIK
Rathaus Wien - Wimperge
Rathaus, Wien, Österreich
Restaurierungsarbeiten an der Wimpern im Osten, Steinmetzarbeiten, Bildhauerarbeiten Atelier für Restaurierungen, Jan Josef MICHALIK

Romoe network members

 Wim Hage
Hage, Wim
6716SM Ede, Gelderland

  • Handicraft objects
  • Plastic and sculptures
  • Restoration - General
  • Sculptures and architecture made of stone
  • Stone objects
  • Stone sculpture and stone architecture
M.A.-Restauratorin Johanna Hamulski
Konservierung und Restaurierung
Hamulski, Johanna
D-68163 Mannheim, Baden-Württemberg
Phone: +0157 30828061

  • Historical, modern and contemporary painting
  • Plaster and sockets
  • Polychrome paintings
  • Restoration - General
  • Sculptures and architecture made of stone
  • Stucco and stucco sculptures
Maurermeister & gep. Restaurator im Maurerhandwerk Jürgen Hättich
Jürgen Hättich/ Maurermeister & gepr. Restaurator im Maurerhandwerk
Maurermeister & gep. Restaurator im Maurerhandwerk
Hättich, Jürgen
D-79274 St. Märgen , Baden-Württemberg
Phone: +49 07669 939654

  • Plaster and sockets
  • Preliminary examination
  • Restoration - General
  • Sculptures and architecture made of stone
  • Specialist restoration planning
  • Stucco and stucco sculptures
 Charis Hentzschel
Hentzschel, Charis
D-99085 Erfurt, Thüringen

  • Documentation
  • Restoration - General
  • Sculptures and architecture made of stone
  • Stone objects
  • Stone sculpture and stone architecture
 Hans Herbig
Herbig Denkmalpflege
Herbig, Hans
D-02899 Ostritz, Sachsen
Phone: +49 35823 86560

  • Conservation - General
  • Polychrome paintings
  • Preventive conservation
  • Restoration - General
  • Sculptures and architecture made of stone
  • Specialist restoration planning
Dipl. Restauratorin M.A. Denkmalpflege  Sophie Hoepner
Untere Denkmalschutzbehörde Berlin-Pankow
Dipl. Restauratorin M.A. Denkmalpflege
Hoepner, Sophie
D-12587 Berlin, Berlin

  • Conservation and restoration concepts
  • Documentation
  • Preventive conservation
  • Sculptures and architecture made of stone
  • Specialist restoration planning
  • Wall paintings and stone objects
 Ronny Hollerung
HOLLERUNG Restaurierung GmbH
Hollerung, Ronny
D-08468 Reichenbach, Sachsen
Phone: +49 3765 12116

  • Plaster and sockets
  • Restoration - General
  • Sculptures and architecture made of stone
  • Specialist restoration planning
  • Stone objects
  • Stucco and stucco sculptures
 Torsten Ihlenfeldt
Ihlenfeldt, Torsten
D-99099 Erfurt, Thüringen

  • Handicraft objects
  • Plastic and sculptures
  • Sculptures and architecture made of stone
  • Stone objects
  • Stone sculpture and stone architecture
Object Conservator Serhat Karakaya
Regional Laboratory for Restoration and Conservaton in Antalya
Object Conservator
Karakaya, Serhat
07050 ANTALYA, Antalya
Phone: +90 544 5442522211

  • Conservation - General
  • Excavation technique
  • Glass, stained glass, stained glass windows and ceramics
  • Restoration - General
  • Sculptures and architecture made of stone
  • Wall painting and architectural color
 Dorota Kowalik-Kociszewska
  • Conservation - General
  • Handicraft objects
  • Plaster and sockets
  • Preventive conservation
  • Restoration - General
  • Sculptures and architecture made of stone
 Paula Kropius
Dipl.-Rest. Paula Kropius
Kropius, Paula
D-16909 Heiligengrabe, Brandenburg

  • Conservation and restoration concepts
  • Preliminary examination
  • Sculptures and architecture made of stone
  • Stone objects
  • Stone sculpture and stone architecture
  • Wall paintings and stone objects
Steinmetz- und Steinbildhauermeister Roy Krüger
Roy Krueger
Steinmetz- und Steinbildhauermeister
Krüger, Roy
D-13355 Berlin, Berlin

  • Conservation and restoration concepts
  • Restoration - General
  • Sculptures and architecture made of stone
  • Specialist restoration planning
  • Stone objects
  • Stone sculpture and stone architecture
 Heiti Kulmar
  • Plastic and sculptures
  • Preventive conservation
  • Restoration - General
  • Sculptures and architecture made of stone
  • Specialist restoration planning
  • Stucco and stucco sculptures
Steinbildhauermeister/Steinmetzmeister/Restaurator Björn Kuse
Kuse, Björn
CH-3624 Thun, Bern

  • Gilding
  • Handicraft objects
  • Metal objects
  • Plastic and sculptures
  • Sculptures and architecture made of stone
  • Stone sculpture and stone architecture
 Sylvia Lenzner
Lenzner und Gramann GbR
Lenzner, Sylvia
D-14482 'Potsdam, Brandenburg
Phone: +49 331 2707070

  • Conservation - General
  • Plaster and sockets
  • Restoration - General
  • Sculptures and architecture made of stone
  • Specialist restoration planning
  • Wall painting and architectural color
Diplomrestauratorin Sarah Link
Restaurierung Witzenhausen
Link, Sarah
D-37213 Witzenhausen, Hessen

  • Documentation
  • Plastic and sculptures
  • Preliminary examination
  • Sculptures and architecture made of stone
  • Stone objects
  • Stone sculpture and stone architecture
Dipl.-Rest Johannes Mädebach
Klosterkammer Hannover
Mädebach, Johannes
D-30161 Hannover, Niedersachsen
Phone: +049 511 34826142

  • Conservation - General
  • Conservation and restoration concepts
  • Documentation
  • Plaster and sockets
  • Preventive conservation
  • Restoration - General
  • Sculptures and architecture made of stone
  • Specialist restoration planning
  • Stucco and stucco sculptures
  • Wall painting and architectural color
Atelier für Restaurierungen
A-3131 Walpersdorf bei Herzogenburg, Niederösterreich

  • Conservation and restoration concepts
  • Documentation
  • Plaster and sockets
  • Sculptures and architecture made of stone
  • Stone sculpture and stone architecture
  • Stucco and stucco sculptures
Dipl.-Restauratorin Maxi Müller
Fa. Nüthen Restaurierungen GmbH + Co.KG
Müller, Maxi
D-99610 Orlishausen, Thüringen

  • Documentation
  • Preliminary examination
  • Sculptures and architecture made of stone
 Birgit Neuhaus
Birgit Neuhaus
Neuhaus, Birgit
D-10967 Berlin, Berlin
Phone: +49 176 70095517

  • Conservation - General
  • Plaster and sockets
  • Polychrome paintings
  • Restoration - General
  • Sculptures and architecture made of stone
  • Wall painting and architectural color
21 - 40 of 65

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