Textiles and objects made of leather
In the "Textiles and Leather Objects" department, experts are dedicated to the preservation and restoration of textile artworks and objects made of leather. These objects include a wide range of artifacts such as historical clothing, carpets, wall hangings, furniture covers and leather objects such as bags and furniture.
Our members have experience and expertise in the treatment and restoration of these diverse materials. Discover references and profiles of these experts who are passionate about preserving and restoring the cultural heritage of leather textiles and objects.
Our members have experience and expertise in the treatment and restoration of these diverse materials. Discover references and profiles of these experts who are passionate about preserving and restoring the cultural heritage of leather textiles and objects.
Kassel, Löwenburg, Restaurierung der geprägten Goldledertapete
Diplomrestauratorin Jana Bösenberg
Bergung, Entrestaurierung, Freilegung, Lederkonservierung, Retusche und Rekonstruktion der Fassung, ... Dipl.-Restauratorin, Dipl.-Restauratorin, Jana Bösenberg
Diplomrestauratorin Jana Bösenberg
Bergung, Entrestaurierung, Freilegung, Lederkonservierung, Retusche und Rekonstruktion der Fassung, ... Dipl.-Restauratorin, Dipl.-Restauratorin, Jana Bösenberg
Untersuchungen zur erweichenden Wirkung von Kirschlorbeerblättern auf Leder
Eine im Präparatorenhandwerk geläufige Methode zum Erweichen von organischen Materialien wird mittel... Universität Bonn Institut für Archäologie, M.A., Melanie Schneppel
Eine im Präparatorenhandwerk geläufige Methode zum Erweichen von organischen Materialien wird mittel... Universität Bonn Institut für Archäologie, M.A., Melanie Schneppel
Preventive Conservation of Textiles
This research has been produced as part of an academic survey of a collection of Orthodox ecclesiast... TEI of Ionian Islands & Aristotle University of Thessalonika, Lecturer in Preventive Conservation & History, Christos Karydis
This research has been produced as part of an academic survey of a collection of Orthodox ecclesiast... TEI of Ionian Islands & Aristotle University of Thessalonika, Lecturer in Preventive Conservation & History, Christos Karydis
Restaurierung Tapisserie, Gobelin, Wandbehang
Restaurierung von Tapisserien/ Gobelins /Wandbehängen: Objektschonende Reinigung, nähtechnische Sich... Anna-Maja Lyko
Restaurierung von Tapisserien/ Gobelins /Wandbehängen: Objektschonende Reinigung, nähtechnische Sich... Anna-Maja Lyko
Restaurierung von Fahnen
Restaurierung und Konservierung von Fahnen. Flutschaden. Fachgerechte objektschonende Reinigung, Näh... Anna-Maja Lyko
Restaurierung und Konservierung von Fahnen. Flutschaden. Fachgerechte objektschonende Reinigung, Näh... Anna-Maja Lyko
Schloß Friedenstein - Fliederzimmer - Seidentapeten mit Malerei
Freilegung, Festigung und Reinigung von Seidentapeten mit Malerei, Fehlstellenergänzung und Retusc... anuvito GmbH, Dipl. Designer / Restaurator, Rolf Möller
Freilegung, Festigung und Reinigung von Seidentapeten mit Malerei, Fehlstellenergänzung und Retusc... anuvito GmbH, Dipl. Designer / Restaurator, Rolf Möller
Textilrestaurierung Anna-Maja Lyko
Vorstellung von Textilrestaurierung Anna-Maja Lyko, Restauratorin für Textilien, Leder, Fell, Federn... Anna-Maja Lyko
Vorstellung von Textilrestaurierung Anna-Maja Lyko, Restauratorin für Textilien, Leder, Fell, Federn... Anna-Maja Lyko
Romoe network members
- Ethnographic objects, folklore and ethnology
- Paintings and painting of paintings
- Paper, documents, books and book illumination
- Textiles and objects made of leather
- Wood and wooden objects
- Archaeological cultural assets and arts and crafts
- Architectural and spatial design
- Textiles and objects made of leather
- Wall painting and architectural color
- Wall painting and ceiling painting
- Wallpaper, picture wallpaper and paper backing
- Architectural and spatial design
- Glass, stained glass, stained glass windows and ceramics
- Metal objects
- Paintings and painting of paintings
- Textiles and objects made of leather
- Timber construction and carpentry
Textilrestaurierung Supianek-Chassay
Dipl.-Rest. (FH) ACR
Supianek-Chassay, Christine
D-99096 Erfurt, Thüringen
Phone: +49 361 24020260
Dipl.-Rest. (FH) ACR
Supianek-Chassay, Christine
D-99096 Erfurt, Thüringen
Phone: +49 361 24020260
- Conservation - General
- Documentation
- Preliminary examination
- Restoration - General
- Textiles and objects made of leather
atelier textil
Dipl. Rest. (FH)
Becker, Laurence
D-50354 Hürth, Nordrhein-Westfalen
Phone: +49 221 96231346
Dipl. Rest. (FH)
Becker, Laurence
D-50354 Hürth, Nordrhein-Westfalen
Phone: +49 221 96231346
- Conservation - General
- Conservation and restoration concepts
- Ethnographic objects, folklore and ethnology
- Preventive conservation
- Restoration - General
- Textiles and objects made of leather
Dipl.-Restauratorin (FH)
Lienemann, Anja
D-53809 Ruppichteroth, Nordrhein-Westfalen
Phone: 02295 901447
Lienemann, Anja
D-53809 Ruppichteroth, Nordrhein-Westfalen
Phone: 02295 901447
- Conservation - General
- Conservation and restoration concepts
- Preventive conservation
- Restoration - General
- Specialist restoration planning
- Textiles and objects made of leather
- Gilding
- Textiles and objects made of leather
- Wood and wooden objects
- Book restoration
- Conservation - General
- Documentation
- Specialist restoration planning
- Textiles and objects made of leather
- Written material, calligraphy, graphics and book illumination
Dipl. Restaurator Stein und Stückarbeit
Temmink, Linda
Antwerpen Kampenhout, Vlaanderen
Phone: +32 484904990
Dipl. Restaurator Stein und Stückarbeit
Temmink, Linda
Antwerpen Kampenhout, Vlaanderen
Phone: +32 484904990
- Panel painting and wood sculpture
- Polychrome paintings
- Stone sculpture and stone architecture
- Textiles and objects made of leather
- Timber construction and carpentry
- Wood and wooden objects
- Book restoration
- Conservation - General
- Documentation
- Ethnographic objects, folklore and ethnology
- Preliminary examination
- Textiles and objects made of leather
- Conservation - General
- Paper, documents, books and book illumination
- Restoration - General
- Restoration history and theory
- Specialist restoration planning
- Textiles and objects made of leather
- Diploma thesis
- Preventive conservation
- Restoration history and theory
- Textiles and objects made of leather
- Conservation and restoration concepts
- Ethnographic objects, folklore and ethnology
- Panel painting and wood sculpture
- Picture panels and reredos
- Textiles and objects made of leather
- Wallpaper, picture wallpaper and paper backing
- Archaeological cultural assets and arts and crafts
- Conservation and restoration concepts
- Ethnographic objects, folklore and ethnology
- Preventive conservation
- Restoration - General
- Textiles and objects made of leather
- Archaeological cultural assets and arts and crafts
- Conservation and restoration concepts
- Glass, stained glass, stained glass windows and ceramics
- Metal objects
- Modern materials and media
- Textiles and objects made of leather
- Conservation - General
- Ethnographic objects, folklore and ethnology
- Handicraft objects
- Preventive conservation
- Specialist restoration planning
- Textiles and objects made of leather
- Ethnographic objects, folklore and ethnology
- Handicraft objects
- Textiles and objects made of leather
- Conservation - General
- Conservation and restoration concepts
- Documentation
- Restoration - General
- Textiles and objects made of leather
- Conservation - General
- Ethnographic objects, folklore and ethnology
- Handicraft objects
- Textiles and objects made of leather
Dipl.-Rest. (FH)
Knüpfer, Andrea
D-06120 Halle, Sachsen-Anhalt
Phone: +49 345 6820291
Dipl.-Rest. (FH)
Knüpfer, Andrea
D-06120 Halle, Sachsen-Anhalt
Phone: +49 345 6820291
- Conservation - General
- Conservation and restoration concepts
- Documentation
- Preventive conservation
- Restoration - General
- Textiles and objects made of leather
Areas of expertise and specializations
- Archaeological cultural assets and arts and crafts 92
- Archaeological excavation 41
- Architectural and spatial design 144
- Art history 1
- Book restoration 52
- Chandeliers, chandeliers and historical hangings 14
- Conservation - General 445 4
- Conservation and restoration concepts 445 1
- Diploma thesis 9
- Documentation 344
- Ethnographic objects, folklore and ethnology 61
- Excavation technique 8
- Furniture and room furnishings made of wood 220
- Gilding 195
- Glass, stained glass, stained glass windows and ceramics 67
- Handicraft objects 202
- Historical, modern and contemporary painting 125
- Metal objects 117
- Modern materials and media 88
- Musical instruments 14
- Painted surfaces and fittings 131
- Paintings and painting of paintings 278 3
- Panel painting and wood sculpture 235
- Paper, documents, books and book illumination 81
- Pest control - decontamination 9
- Photo, film and data media 29
- Picture panels and reredos 110
- Plaster and sockets 169
- Plastic and sculptures 95
- Polychrome paintings 218 3
- Porcelain, decorative porcelain, glass and ceramics 33
- Preliminary examination 175
- Preventive conservation 233
- Restoration - General 533 5
- Restoration history and theory 48 1
- Sculptures and architecture made of stone 65
- Specialist restoration planning 240
- Stone objects 69
- Stone sculpture and stone architecture 79
- Stucco and stucco sculptures 108
- Technical cultural assets 49
- Textiles and objects made of leather 46 1
- Timber construction and carpentry 22
- Wall painting and architectural color 203
- Wall painting and ceiling painting 136
- Wall paintings and stone objects 68
- Wallpaper, picture wallpaper and paper backing 32
- Windows 29
- Wood and wooden objects 308 2
- Written material, calligraphy, graphics and book illumination 39
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