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Timber construction and carpentry

In this specialist area, the focus is on the preservation and restoration of historic timber constructions and traditional carpentry. Here we present a selection of members who specialize in the restoration and repair of wooden buildings, half-timbered houses, furniture and other wooden structures. Our members have experience and expertise in the fields of timber architecture, carpentry and restoration techniques.

Discover references and profiles of these experts who are passionate about preserving and restoring traditional wood craftsmanship in order to preserve and maintain cultural heritage.
IMG 6856
Sanierung und Umnutzung einer Scheune in Mülheim an der Ruhr, Ortsteil Menden (Denkmalschutz)
Umnutzung einer Scheune
Aufwendige Restaurierungsarbeiten an einer Fachwerkscheune aus 1780, bestehend komplett aus Eiche. R... W.Kamieth Architekten BDA DWB, Dipl.-Ing., Architekt BDA DWB, Wolfgang Kamieth
Sanierung Heimatmuseum Tersteegenhaus, Mülheim an der Ruhr (Denkmalschutz)
Heimatmuseum Tersteegenhaus, Mülheim an der Ruhr
Erstellung einer Schadenskartierung nach HausschwammbefallVorbereitung von FörderanträgenMitwirk... W.Kamieth Architekten BDA DWB, Dipl.-Ing., Architekt BDA DWB, Wolfgang Kamieth
Gesamtansicht der Tür - IMG 6247
Innentür mit Fensterflügel und Bleiverglasung
CM Bau und Möbeltischlerei
Alter Lack und Farbe entfernt; neu lackiert; Bleiverglasung nach Kundenwunsch mittels Anfertigen von... CM-Tischlerei, Tischlermeister, Christian Müller

Romoe network members

 Stiftung Preußische Schlösser und Gärten Berlin-Brandenburg
  • Architectural and spatial design
  • Glass, stained glass, stained glass windows and ceramics
  • Metal objects
  • Paintings and painting of paintings
  • Textiles and objects made of leather
  • Timber construction and carpentry
Dipl. Restaurator Stein und Stückarbeit Linda Temmink
Dipl. Restaurator Stein und Stückarbeit
Temmink, Linda
Antwerpen Kampenhout, Vlaanderen
Phone: +32 484904990

  • Panel painting and wood sculpture
  • Polychrome paintings
  • Stone sculpture and stone architecture
  • Textiles and objects made of leather
  • Timber construction and carpentry
  • Wood and wooden objects
Bauningenieur u. Restaurator im Zimmererhandwerk Vinzenz Bachmann
Vinzenz Bachmann Bau GmbH & Co.KG
Bauningenieur u. Restaurator im Zimmererhandwerk
Bachmann, Vinzenz
D-83259 Schleching, Bayern
Phone: +49 8649 9880 0

  • Timber construction and carpentry
 Johannes Constantin Blei
JCB Historische Baustoffe
Blei, Johannes Constantin
D-35447 Reiskirchen, Hessen
Phone: +49 6401 221344

  • Metal objects
  • Restoration - General
  • Timber construction and carpentry
  • Wood and wooden objects
Zimmerermeister Niklas Broos
Broos, Niklas
D-54533 Bettenfeld, Rheinland-Pfalz

  • Handicraft objects
  • Timber construction and carpentry
  • Wood and wooden objects
 Savino Del Prete
Savino Del Prete Ltd
Del Prete, Savino
SW6 2AD London, --ENGLAND--
Phone: +44 2077361917

  • Chandeliers, chandeliers and historical hangings
  • Furniture and room furnishings made of wood
  • Gilding
  • Restoration - General
  • Timber construction and carpentry
  • Wood and wooden objects
 Viktória Erdei
  • Furniture and room furnishings made of wood
  • Timber construction and carpentry
  • Windows
  • Wood and wooden objects
Diplom-Restaurator (FH); M.A. Veith Grünwald
Restaurierung und Holzschutz
Diplom-Restaurator (FH); M.A.
Grünwald, Veith
D-31137 Hildesheim, Niedersachsen
Phone: +49 05121 9228798

  • Architectural and spatial design
  • Furniture and room furnishings made of wood
  • Preliminary examination
  • Specialist restoration planning
  • Timber construction and carpentry
  • Wood and wooden objects
 Elisabeth Held
Held, Elisabeth
D-10245 Berlin, Berlin

  • Conservation - General
  • Furniture and room furnishings made of wood
  • Handicraft objects
  • Modern materials and media
  • Timber construction and carpentry
  • Wood and wooden objects
Staatlich gepr. Restaurator im Tischlerhandwerk Peter Hohmann
Holz-individuell e.K.
Staatlich gepr. Restaurator im Tischlerhandwerk
Hohmann, Peter
D-06406 Bernburg, Sachsen Anhalt
Phone: +49 3471 627070

  • Furniture and room furnishings made of wood
  • Timber construction and carpentry
 Guido Kramp
Kramp & Kramp GmbH & Co. KG
Kramp, Guido
D-32657 Lemgo, Nordrhein-Westfalen
Phone: +49 5261 968810

  • Plaster and sockets
  • Restoration - General
  • Timber construction and carpentry
  • Wall painting and ceiling painting
  • Windows
 Rita Mackeviciute
  • Conservation - General
  • Furniture and room furnishings made of wood
  • Timber construction and carpentry
  • Wood and wooden objects
Tischlermeister Christian Müller
Müller, Christian
D-98530 Suhl, Thüringen
Phone: +49 36846 61768

  • Furniture and room furnishings made of wood
  • Handicraft objects
  • Timber construction and carpentry
  • Wood and wooden objects
Bautenschutz Katz David Parker
Bautenschutz Katz
Parker, David
D-91126 Rednitzhembach, Bayern
Phone: +49 09122 79880

  • Timber construction and carpentry
 Andreas Pohl
  • Timber construction and carpentry
Restaurator im Zimmererhandwerk Thorsten Raab
RAAB Denkmalpflege
Restaurator im Zimmererhandwerk
Raab, Thorsten
D-64579 Gernsheim, Hessen

  • Documentation
  • Preliminary examination
  • Timber construction and carpentry
 Hans Anton Spitz
  • Specialist restoration planning
  • Timber construction and carpentry
  • Wood and wooden objects
 Clemens Standl
Standl, Clemens
A-5020 Salzburg, Österreich

  • Architectural and spatial design
  • Conservation and restoration concepts
  • Documentation
  • Plaster and sockets
  • Timber construction and carpentry
  • Windows
 Ina Stey
Stey, Ina
A-1150 Wien, Wien

  • Conservation - General
  • Furniture and room furnishings made of wood
  • Metal objects
  • Restoration - General
  • Timber construction and carpentry
  • Wood and wooden objects
Dipl. Rest. Chris Theile
Theile Restaurierung
Dipl. Rest.
Theile, Chris
D-34474 Diemelstadt, Hessen

  • Furniture and room furnishings made of wood
  • Preventive conservation
  • Specialist restoration planning
  • Timber construction and carpentry
  • Windows
  • Wood and wooden objects
« 12 »
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