Window restoration and window repair
This specialist area focuses on the preservation and restoration of historic windows. Here we present a selection of members who specialize in the restoration and repair of historic windows. Our members have extensive knowledge in the areas of restoration techniques, material science and historical architectural styles. Discover references and profiles of these experts who are dedicated to the preservation and maintenance of historic windows in order to preserve and protect cultural heritage.
Fenster-, Vorsatzverglasung schützt altertümliche Glasmalereien an der Basilika St. Martin in Amberg
Basilika St. Martin
Entwicklung einer Vorsatzschutzverglasung aus Antikglas, um die historischen Glasmalereien vor Umwel... Sollingglas Bau & Veredelungs GmbH & Co. KG, Heiko Schanze
Basilika St. Martin
Entwicklung einer Vorsatzschutzverglasung aus Antikglas, um die historischen Glasmalereien vor Umwel... Sollingglas Bau & Veredelungs GmbH & Co. KG, Heiko Schanze
Fensterglas für Sempergalerie, Porzellanpavillon & Bogengalerie im Zwinger Dresden
Zwinger Dresden
Entwicklung & Fertigung von 1.392 Fenstergläsern für Teile des Zwingers in Dresden (Sempergalerie, B... Sollingglas Bau & Veredelungs GmbH & Co. KG, Heiko Schanze
Zwinger Dresden
Entwicklung & Fertigung von 1.392 Fenstergläsern für Teile des Zwingers in Dresden (Sempergalerie, B... Sollingglas Bau & Veredelungs GmbH & Co. KG, Heiko Schanze
Schlittert das Verständnis für das Kunsthandwerk des Glasmalers auf Abwegen?
Aktuelle Beobachtungen bei neu erstellten Farbfenstern für Kirchen u.a. in der Schweiz
Aktuell neu inszenierte Farbfenster-Gestaltungen zur Integration in der Architektur, werfen zumindes... Atelier für Glasmalkunst Martin Halter Bern, Glasmaler-Restaurator IER, Martin Halter
Aktuelle Beobachtungen bei neu erstellten Farbfenstern für Kirchen u.a. in der Schweiz
Aktuell neu inszenierte Farbfenster-Gestaltungen zur Integration in der Architektur, werfen zumindes... Atelier für Glasmalkunst Martin Halter Bern, Glasmaler-Restaurator IER, Martin Halter
Innentür mit Fensterflügel und Bleiverglasung
CM Bau und Möbeltischlerei
Alter Lack und Farbe entfernt; neu lackiert; Bleiverglasung nach Kundenwunsch mittels Anfertigen von... CM-Tischlerei, Tischlermeister, Christian Müller
CM Bau und Möbeltischlerei
Alter Lack und Farbe entfernt; neu lackiert; Bleiverglasung nach Kundenwunsch mittels Anfertigen von... CM-Tischlerei, Tischlermeister, Christian Müller
Romoe network members
Sollingglas Bau & Veredelungs GmbH & Co. KG
Schanze, Heiko
D-37691 Derental (Solling), Niedersachsen
Phone: +49 5273 3760 0
Schanze, Heiko
D-37691 Derental (Solling), Niedersachsen
Phone: +49 5273 3760 0
- Conservation and restoration concepts
- Glass, stained glass, stained glass windows and ceramics
- Modern materials and media
- Restoration - General
- Windows
- Conservation - General
- Glass, stained glass, stained glass windows and ceramics
- Plaster and sockets
- Restoration - General
- Wall painting and architectural color
- Windows
- Furniture and room furnishings made of wood
- Restoration - General
- Specialist restoration planning
- Technical cultural assets
- Windows
- Wood and wooden objects
- Glass, stained glass, stained glass windows and ceramics
- Handicraft objects
- Modern materials and media
- Porcelain, decorative porcelain, glass and ceramics
- Wall painting and ceiling painting
- Windows
Restaurator Benkenstein
Restaurator i. H.
Benkenstein, Gerold
D-94032 Passau, Bayern
Phone: +49 851 9890910
Restaurator i. H.
Benkenstein, Gerold
D-94032 Passau, Bayern
Phone: +49 851 9890910
- Windows
- Wood and wooden objects
GLAVIVA • Digitaler Kunstdruck auf Glas
Dehmel, Wolfgang
D-33104 Paderborn, Nordrhein-Westfalen
Phone: +49 5254 605 65
Dehmel, Wolfgang
D-33104 Paderborn, Nordrhein-Westfalen
Phone: +49 5254 605 65
- Glass, stained glass, stained glass windows and ceramics
- Photo, film and data media
- Windows
- Architectural and spatial design
- Handicraft objects
- Painted surfaces and fittings
- Plaster and sockets
- Windows
- Furniture and room furnishings made of wood
- Timber construction and carpentry
- Windows
- Wood and wooden objects
- Furniture and room furnishings made of wood
- Preventive conservation
- Restoration - General
- Specialist restoration planning
- Windows
- Wood and wooden objects
- Furniture and room furnishings made of wood
- Windows
- Wood and wooden objects
- Plaster and sockets
- Restoration - General
- Timber construction and carpentry
- Wall painting and ceiling painting
- Windows
Jan Maier - Restaurierung und Denkmalpflege
Maier, Jan
D-76534 Baden-Baden, Baden-Württemberg
Phone: +49 176 61244876
Maier, Jan
D-76534 Baden-Baden, Baden-Württemberg
Phone: +49 176 61244876
- Conservation and restoration concepts
- Documentation
- Furniture and room furnishings made of wood
- Preliminary examination
- Windows
- Wood and wooden objects
- Windows
- Wood and wooden objects
Josef Meiler, o.b.u.v. Sachverständer (IHK)
Meiler, Josef
D-93053 Regensburg, Bayern
Phone: +49 941 70812599
Meiler, Josef
D-93053 Regensburg, Bayern
Phone: +49 941 70812599
- Conservation and restoration concepts
- Furniture and room furnishings made of wood
- Restoration - General
- Specialist restoration planning
- Windows
- Wood and wooden objects
Johannes Mosler
Restautor für hist.Fenster
Mosler, Johannes
D-65589 Oberzeuzheim, Hessen
Phone: +49 6433 3684
Restautor für hist.Fenster
Mosler, Johannes
D-65589 Oberzeuzheim, Hessen
Phone: +49 6433 3684
- Conservation and restoration concepts
- Documentation
- Restoration - General
- Specialist restoration planning
- Windows
- Wood and wooden objects
- Restoration - General
- Windows
- Wood and wooden objects
Reiprich Holzwerkstatt
Restaurator im Schreinerhandwerk
Reiprich, Sven
D-84547 Emmerting, Bayern
Phone: +49 8679 9667960
Restaurator im Schreinerhandwerk
Reiprich, Sven
D-84547 Emmerting, Bayern
Phone: +49 8679 9667960
- Conservation and restoration concepts
- Documentation
- Furniture and room furnishings made of wood
- Restoration - General
- Windows
- Wood and wooden objects
- Chandeliers, chandeliers and historical hangings
- Glass, stained glass, stained glass windows and ceramics
- Preliminary examination
- Preventive conservation
- Windows
Andreas Schneider Restaurierung
Restaurator (M. A.) für Möbel und Holzobjekte
Schneider, Andreas
D-97084 Würzburg, Bayern
Phone: +49 176 24214918
Restaurator (M. A.) für Möbel und Holzobjekte
Schneider, Andreas
D-97084 Würzburg, Bayern
Phone: +49 176 24214918
- Documentation
- Furniture and room furnishings made of wood
- Preliminary examination
- Windows
- Wood and wooden objects
- Architectural and spatial design
- Conservation and restoration concepts
- Documentation
- Plaster and sockets
- Timber construction and carpentry
- Windows
Areas of expertise and specializations
- Archaeological cultural assets and arts and crafts 92
- Archaeological excavation 39
- Architectural and spatial design 141
- Art history
- Book restoration 52
- Chandeliers, chandeliers and historical hangings 14
- Conservation - General 442 3
- Conservation and restoration concepts 442
- Diploma thesis 9
- Documentation 338
- Ethnographic objects, folklore and ethnology 61
- Excavation technique 8
- Furniture and room furnishings made of wood 218
- Gilding 195
- Glass, stained glass, stained glass windows and ceramics 65
- Handicraft objects 198
- Historical, modern and contemporary painting 125
- Metal objects 116
- Modern materials and media 86
- Musical instruments 13
- Painted surfaces and fittings 131
- Paintings and painting of paintings 278 3
- Panel painting and wood sculpture 235
- Paper, documents, books and book illumination 81
- Pest control - decontamination 9
- Photo, film and data media 29
- Picture panels and reredos 108
- Plaster and sockets 165
- Plastic and sculptures 93
- Polychrome paintings 217 3
- Porcelain, decorative porcelain, glass and ceramics 32
- Preliminary examination 170
- Preventive conservation 230
- Restoration - General 531 4
- Restoration history and theory 48 1
- Sculptures and architecture made of stone 62
- Specialist restoration planning 239
- Stone objects 65
- Stone sculpture and stone architecture 76
- Stucco and stucco sculptures 107
- Technical cultural assets 49
- Textiles and objects made of leather 46 1
- Timber construction and carpentry 21
- Wall painting and architectural color 198
- Wall painting and ceiling painting 133
- Wall paintings and stone objects 68
- Wallpaper, picture wallpaper and paper backing 32
- Windows 28
- Wood and wooden objects 304 2
- Written material, calligraphy, graphics and book illumination 39
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