Conservators Directory / Letter P
Are you looking for art-conservators or restorers with the initial letter P? In this list of restorers you will find restorers and conservators with an alphabetical list of members.
Alphabetical list of members - Surnames with first letter P
Atelier für Restaurierungen
staatl. geprüfte Restauratorin, Vergoldermeisterin
Pablos Sommerfeld, Ines
D-80337 München, Bayern
Phone: 089 203 44664
staatl. geprüfte Restauratorin, Vergoldermeisterin
Pablos Sommerfeld, Ines
D-80337 München, Bayern
Phone: 089 203 44664
- Conservation and restoration concepts
- Gilding
- Panel painting and wood sculpture
- Polychrome paintings
- Restoration - General
- Wood and wooden objects
- Conservation and restoration concepts
- Documentation
- Gilding
- Historical, modern and contemporary painting
- Paintings and painting of paintings
- Panel painting and wood sculpture
Martha Padilla Textil Restoration
Textile Restorer
padilla, martha
9220 Lendava, Lendava
Phone: +38 640345231
Textile Restorer
padilla, martha
9220 Lendava, Lendava
Phone: +38 640345231
- Conservation - General
- Preventive conservation
- Restoration - General
- Specialist restoration planning
- Textiles and objects made of leather
- Book restoration
- Diploma thesis
- Documentation
- Paper, documents, books and book illumination
- Restoration history and theory
- Written material, calligraphy, graphics and book illumination
- Conservation and restoration concepts
- Gilding
- Historical, modern and contemporary painting
- Modern materials and media
- Paintings and painting of paintings
- Panel painting and wood sculpture
- Paintings and painting of paintings
- Panel painting and wood sculpture
- Picture panels and reredos
- Restoration - General
- Wall painting and ceiling painting
- Wood and wooden objects
- Conservation - General
- Paintings and painting of paintings
- Panel painting and wood sculpture
- Polychrome paintings
- Preventive conservation
- Restoration - General
- Ethnographic objects, folklore and ethnology
- Furniture and room furnishings made of wood
- Handicraft objects
- Plastic and sculptures
- Wood and wooden objects
- Archaeological cultural assets and arts and crafts
- Archaeological excavation
- Metal objects
- Wood and wooden objects
Dipl. und M.A. Restauratorin-Konservatorin
Pape, geb. Kreuzburg, Lara
D- Münster, Nordrhein-Westfalen
Pape, geb. Kreuzburg, Lara
D- Münster, Nordrhein-Westfalen
- Conservation and restoration concepts
- Modern materials and media
- Paper, documents, books and book illumination
- Photo, film and data media
- Preventive conservation
- Specialist restoration planning
- Gilding
- Painted surfaces and fittings
- Panel painting and wood sculpture
- Polychrome paintings
- Restoration - General
- Wood and wooden objects
Die Restauratoren für Möbel und Holzobjekte
Passavant, Christoph
D-80801 München - Schwabing-West, Bayern
Phone: +49 89 336355
Passavant, Christoph
D-80801 München - Schwabing-West, Bayern
Phone: +49 89 336355
- Conservation - General
- Conservation and restoration concepts
- Documentation
- Ethnographic objects, folklore and ethnology
- Modern materials and media
- Preventive conservation
- Restoration - General
- Textiles and objects made of leather
- Documentation
- Paintings and painting of paintings
- Panel painting and wood sculpture
- Polychrome paintings
- Preliminary examination
- Preventive conservation
- Conservation - General
- Conservation and restoration concepts
- Modern materials and media
- Paintings and painting of paintings
- Photo, film and data media
- Restoration - General
- Conservation - General
- Metal objects
- Modern materials and media
- Polychrome paintings
- Restoration - General
- Wall paintings and stone objects
- Archaeological cultural assets and arts and crafts
- Conservation - General
- Diploma thesis
- Glass, stained glass, stained glass windows and ceramics
- Porcelain, decorative porcelain, glass and ceramics
- Stone objects
- Conservation and restoration concepts
- Restoration - General
- Textiles and objects made of leather
- Conservation and restoration concepts
- Gilding
- Paintings and painting of paintings
- Panel painting and wood sculpture
- Preliminary examination
- Wall painting and architectural color
- Documentation
- Historical, modern and contemporary painting
- Modern materials and media
- Preliminary examination
- Preventive conservation
- Conservation - General
- Conservation and restoration concepts
- Ethnographic objects, folklore and ethnology
- Furniture and room furnishings made of wood
- Restoration - General
- Wood and wooden objects
Atelier Konservierung, Restaurierung von Kunst und Kulturgut
Persau, Ralf
D-80636 München, Bayern
Phone: 089 18959827
Persau, Ralf
D-80636 München, Bayern
Phone: 089 18959827
- Conservation - General
- Furniture and room furnishings made of wood
- Handicraft objects
- Plaster and sockets
- Polychrome paintings
- Specialist restoration planning
- Book restoration
- Conservation and restoration concepts
- Documentation
- Paper, documents, books and book illumination
- Preventive conservation
- Written material, calligraphy, graphics and book illumination
- Plaster and sockets
- Polychrome paintings
- Preliminary examination
- Specialist restoration planning
- Wall painting and architectural color
- Wall painting and ceiling painting
Restaurierung von Farb- und Architekturfassungen
Restaurator (VDR)
Peter, Lutz
D-14548 Caputh, Brandenburg
Phone: 033209 21672
Restaurator (VDR)
Peter, Lutz
D-14548 Caputh, Brandenburg
Phone: 033209 21672
- Architectural and spatial design
- Documentation
- Gilding
- Preliminary examination
- Restoration - General
- Wall painting and ceiling painting
- Conservation - General
- Conservation and restoration concepts
- Preventive conservation
- Restoration - General
- Textiles and objects made of leather
- Conservation - General
- Documentation
- Plaster and sockets
- Preventive conservation
- Restoration - General
- Wall painting and architectural color
Atelier Hermann Petersohn
Petersohn, Hermann Rudolf
D-73033 Göppingen, Baden-Württemberg
Phone: 07161 683212
Petersohn, Hermann Rudolf
D-73033 Göppingen, Baden-Württemberg
Phone: 07161 683212
- Conservation and restoration concepts
- Documentation
- Gilding
- Painted surfaces and fittings
- Paintings and painting of paintings
- Polychrome paintings
- Conservation - General
- Conservation and restoration concepts
- Handicraft objects
- Metal objects
- Modern materials and media
- Technical cultural assets
Schweizerisches Nationalmuseum
Diplom Restauratorin, M.A.
Petrak, Gaby
CH-8910 Affoltern am Albis, Zürich
Phone: +41 44 7621370
Diplom Restauratorin, M.A.
Petrak, Gaby
CH-8910 Affoltern am Albis, Zürich
Phone: +41 44 7621370
- Conservation - General
- Furniture and room furnishings made of wood
- Modern materials and media
- Preventive conservation
- Restoration - General
- Wood and wooden objects
Restaurierungsatelier Axel Pfannstiel
staatl. geprüfter Möbelrestaurator
pfannstiel, Axel
D-76532 Baden Baden, Baden-Württemberg
Phone: 07221 390620
staatl. geprüfter Möbelrestaurator
pfannstiel, Axel
D-76532 Baden Baden, Baden-Württemberg
Phone: 07221 390620
- Conservation - General
- Documentation
- Furniture and room furnishings made of wood
- Restoration - General
- Wood and wooden objects
- Conservation - General
- Handicraft objects
- Panel painting and wood sculpture
- Polychrome paintings
- Restoration - General
- Wood and wooden objects
- Book restoration
- Conservation and restoration concepts
- Modern materials and media
- Paper, documents, books and book illumination
- Wallpaper, picture wallpaper and paper backing
- Written material, calligraphy, graphics and book illumination
- Modern materials and media
- Technical cultural assets
- Conservation and restoration concepts
- Documentation
- Paintings and painting of paintings
- Panel painting and wood sculpture
- Plastic and sculptures
- Polychrome paintings
- Architectural and spatial design
- Conservation - General
- Documentation
- Plaster and sockets
- Restoration - General
- Wall painting and architectural color
- Conservation - General
- Furniture and room furnishings made of wood
- Polychrome paintings
- Restoration - General
- Wall painting and architectural color
- Wood and wooden objects
- Conservation and restoration concepts
- Documentation
- Plaster and sockets
- Preliminary examination
- Wall painting and architectural color
- Conservation - General
- Plaster and sockets
- Polychrome paintings
- Restoration - General
- Wall painting and architectural color
- Wood and wooden objects
Johannes Pilz Metallrestauratoren i.H.
Pilz, Johannes
D-94419 Reisbach-Reith, Bayern
Phone: +49 8734 9399852
Pilz, Johannes
D-94419 Reisbach-Reith, Bayern
Phone: +49 8734 9399852
- Conservation and restoration concepts
- Documentation
- Handicraft objects
- Metal objects
- Restoration - General
- Technical cultural assets
- Conservation - General
- Conservation and restoration concepts
- Gilding
- Restoration - General
- Restoration history and theory
- Wood and wooden objects
Antike Kachelöfen - Gabriele Platt
Restauratorin und Sachverständige
Platt, Gabriele
D-92543 Guteneck, Bayern
Phone: +49 172 9069671
Restauratorin und Sachverständige
Platt, Gabriele
D-92543 Guteneck, Bayern
Phone: +49 172 9069671
- Glass, stained glass, stained glass windows and ceramics
- Conservation and restoration concepts
- Documentation
- Sculptures and architecture made of stone
- Specialist restoration planning
- Wall painting and architectural color
- Furniture and room furnishings made of wood
- Handicraft objects
- Historical, modern and contemporary painting
- Paintings and painting of paintings
- Wall painting and ceiling painting
- Wood and wooden objects
- Timber construction and carpentry
Restaurator für Möbel u. Holzobjekte Michael Pohl
Master of Arts
Pohl, Michael
D-02625 Bautzen, Sachsen
Phone: +49 03591 600579
Master of Arts
Pohl, Michael
D-02625 Bautzen, Sachsen
Phone: +49 03591 600579
- Conservation and restoration concepts
- Furniture and room furnishings made of wood
- Painted surfaces and fittings
- Preventive conservation
- Restoration - General
- Wood and wooden objects
- Conservation - General
- Documentation
- Preventive conservation
- Restoration - General
- Textiles and objects made of leather
Konservierung und Restaurierung von gefassten Holzobjekten und Gemälden
Pönitz, Susan
D-04229 Leipzig, Sachsen
Pönitz, Susan
D-04229 Leipzig, Sachsen
- Conservation and restoration concepts
- Documentation
- Paintings and painting of paintings
- Panel painting and wood sculpture
- Polychrome paintings
- Preventive conservation
Atelier Poray - Schäfer
Diplom Restauratorin
Poray - Schäfer, Magdalena
D-78462 Konstanz, Baden-Württemberg
Phone: +49 7531 2821177
Diplom Restauratorin
Poray - Schäfer, Magdalena
D-78462 Konstanz, Baden-Württemberg
Phone: +49 7531 2821177
- Conservation - General
- Conservation and restoration concepts
- Paintings and painting of paintings
- Panel painting and wood sculpture
- Picture panels and reredos
- Polychrome paintings
- Architectural and spatial design
- Documentation
- Plaster and sockets
- Preventive conservation
- Wall painting and architectural color
- Wall painting and ceiling painting
- Architectural and spatial design
- Gilding
- Plaster and sockets
- Specialist restoration planning
- Wall painting and architectural color
- Wall paintings and stone objects
Atelier für Konservierung und Restaurierung Pracher, Würzburg
Dipl.-Restaurator Univ.
Pracher, Georg F. R.
D-97072 Würzburg, Bayern
Phone: +49 (0) 931 7 21 97
Dipl.-Restaurator Univ.
Pracher, Georg F. R.
D-97072 Würzburg, Bayern
Phone: +49 (0) 931 7 21 97
- Conservation and restoration concepts
- Modern materials and media
- Paintings and painting of paintings
- Panel painting and wood sculpture
- Picture panels and reredos
- Polychrome paintings
Atelier für Möbelrestaurierung
Tischlermeister & Restaurator im Handwerk
Praetsch, Olaf
D-14482 Potsdam, Brandenburg
Phone: 0331 717088
Tischlermeister & Restaurator im Handwerk
Praetsch, Olaf
D-14482 Potsdam, Brandenburg
Phone: 0331 717088
- Furniture and room furnishings made of wood
- Gilding
- Handicraft objects
- Plastic and sculptures
- Restoration - General
- Wood and wooden objects
- Archaeological cultural assets and arts and crafts
- Conservation - General
- Glass, stained glass, stained glass windows and ceramics
- Porcelain, decorative porcelain, glass and ceramics
- Restoration - General
- Stucco and stucco sculptures
- Conservation - General
- Conservation and restoration concepts
- Preventive conservation
- Restoration - General
- Restoration history and theory
- Sculptures and architecture made of stone
- Documentation
- Sculptures and architecture made of stone
- Specialist restoration planning
- Stone objects
- Stone sculpture and stone architecture
- Stucco and stucco sculptures
- Book restoration
- Conservation - General
- Paper, documents, books and book illumination
- Restoration - General
- Wallpaper, picture wallpaper and paper backing
- Gilding
- Paintings and painting of paintings
- Panel painting and wood sculpture
- Polychrome paintings
- Restoration - General
- Wall painting and ceiling painting
- Gilding
- Panel painting and wood sculpture
- Plaster and sockets
- Polychrome paintings
- Restoration - General
- Stucco and stucco sculptures
Bereich für Ur- und Frühgeschichtliche Archäologie, Friedrich-Schiller-Universität Jena
Dipl.-Rest. (FH)
Przemuß, Ivonne
D-07743 Jena, Thüringen
Phone: +049 3641 944896
Dipl.-Rest. (FH)
Przemuß, Ivonne
D-07743 Jena, Thüringen
Phone: +049 3641 944896
- Archaeological cultural assets and arts and crafts
- Archaeological excavation
- Conservation and restoration concepts
- Metal objects
- Porcelain, decorative porcelain, glass and ceramics
- Restoration - General