freelance, autonomous, independently
Romoe network members
Architektur und Restaurierung
Dipl.-Restauratorin M.Sc.
Banea-Grimm, Andreea
D-14943 Luckenwalde, Brandenburg
Phone: +49 3371 4067698
Dipl.-Restauratorin M.Sc.
Banea-Grimm, Andreea
D-14943 Luckenwalde, Brandenburg
Phone: +49 3371 4067698
- Conservation and restoration concepts
- Paintings and painting of paintings
- Restoration - General
- Wall painting and architectural color
- Wall painting and ceiling painting
- Wood and wooden objects
atelier textil
Dipl. Rest. (FH)
Becker, Laurence
D-50354 Hürth, Nordrhein-Westfalen
Phone: +49 221 96231346
Dipl. Rest. (FH)
Becker, Laurence
D-50354 Hürth, Nordrhein-Westfalen
Phone: +49 221 96231346
- Conservation - General
- Conservation and restoration concepts
- Ethnographic objects, folklore and ethnology
- Preventive conservation
- Restoration - General
- Textiles and objects made of leather
- Conservation - General
- Plaster and sockets
- Polychrome paintings
- Preventive conservation
- Restoration - General
- Wall painting and architectural color
Böttcher, Silke + Ralph
D-74889 Sinsheim-Rohrbach, Baden-Württemberg
Phone: 07261 946946
Böttcher, Silke + Ralph
D-74889 Sinsheim-Rohrbach, Baden-Württemberg
Phone: 07261 946946
- Architectural and spatial design
- Stone sculpture and stone architecture
- Wall painting and ceiling painting
- Wood and wooden objects
Restaurierungsatellier Jörg Büchner
Staatlich geprüfter Restaurator
Büchner, Jörg
D-36037 Fulda, Hessen
Phone: +0661 9001283
Staatlich geprüfter Restaurator
Büchner, Jörg
D-36037 Fulda, Hessen
Phone: +0661 9001283
- Conservation and restoration concepts
- Furniture and room furnishings made of wood
- Panel painting and wood sculpture
- Polychrome paintings
- Preliminary examination
- Wood and wooden objects
Atelier für Konservierung und Restaurierung
Dipl.Restauratorin Univ.
Bültemeyer, Ulrike
A-3433 Königstetten, Niederösterreich
Dipl.Restauratorin Univ.
Bültemeyer, Ulrike
A-3433 Königstetten, Niederösterreich
- Conservation and restoration concepts
- Documentation
- Historical, modern and contemporary painting
- Paintings and painting of paintings
- Panel painting and wood sculpture
- Polychrome paintings
Diplom Restaurator (FH)
Bussmann, Stephan
D-78315 Radolfzell am Bodensee, Baden-Württemberg
Phone: +49 07732 943299
Bussmann, Stephan
D-78315 Radolfzell am Bodensee, Baden-Württemberg
Phone: +49 07732 943299
- Preliminary examination
- Specialist restoration planning
- Stone sculpture and stone architecture
- Stucco and stucco sculptures
- Wall painting and ceiling painting
- Wall paintings and stone objects
- Handicraft objects
- Plastic and sculptures
- Restoration - General
- Stucco and stucco sculptures
- Gilding
- Handicraft objects
- Panel painting and wood sculpture
- Wood and wooden objects
Kunst-Restaurator, Dipl.-Ing. Architekt
Eftekhari, Ario
D-65185 Wiesbaden, Hessen
Phone: +49 611 529300
Eftekhari, Ario
D-65185 Wiesbaden, Hessen
Phone: +49 611 529300
- Gilding
- Handicraft objects
- Metal objects
- Panel painting and wood sculpture
- Plastic and sculptures
- Stone objects
- Paintings and painting of paintings
- Panel painting and wood sculpture
Restaurierungsatelier Etringer
Etringer, Katrin
D-56070 Koblenz, Rheinland-Pfalz
Phone: +49 0261 22461
Etringer, Katrin
D-56070 Koblenz, Rheinland-Pfalz
Phone: +49 0261 22461
- Conservation - General
- Historical, modern and contemporary painting
- Modern materials and media
- Paintings and painting of paintings
- Panel painting and wood sculpture
- Polychrome paintings
Dipl. Restaurator
Fabian, Daniel
CH-8712 Stäfa, Zürich
Phone: +41 44 926 80 26
Dipl. Restaurator
Fabian, Daniel
CH-8712 Stäfa, Zürich
Phone: +41 44 926 80 26
- Conservation - General
- Documentation
- Historical, modern and contemporary painting
- Paintings and painting of paintings
- Polychrome paintings
- Wood and wooden objects
Architektur-/ Raumfassung & Holzobjekte
Dipl. Restauratorin
Fontanive, Nicole
D-98529 Suhl, Thüringen
Phone: +49 3681 302731
Dipl. Restauratorin
Fontanive, Nicole
D-98529 Suhl, Thüringen
Phone: +49 3681 302731
- Architectural and spatial design
- Conservation and restoration concepts
- Gilding
- Panel painting and wood sculpture
- Stucco and stucco sculptures
- Wall painting and architectural color
- Architectural and spatial design
- Plaster and sockets
- Preliminary examination
- Stucco and stucco sculptures
- Wall painting and architectural color
- Wall painting and ceiling painting
Ursula Fuhrer, Diplomrestauratorinnen
Fuhrer, Ursula
D-70176 Stuttgart, Baden-Württemberg
Phone: 0711 625155
Fuhrer, Ursula
D-70176 Stuttgart, Baden-Württemberg
Phone: 0711 625155
- Conservation - General
- Conservation and restoration concepts
- Historical, modern and contemporary painting
- Paintings and painting of paintings
- Panel painting and wood sculpture
- Restoration - General
- Conservation - General
- Painted surfaces and fittings
- Paintings and painting of paintings
- Panel painting and wood sculpture
- Picture panels and reredos
- Polychrome paintings
- Architectural and spatial design
- Stone sculpture and stone architecture
- Wall painting and ceiling painting
- Conservation - General
- Glass, stained glass, stained glass windows and ceramics
- Plaster and sockets
- Restoration - General
- Wall painting and architectural color
- Windows
- Conservation and restoration concepts
- Documentation
- Gilding
- Paintings and painting of paintings
- Panel painting and wood sculpture
- Polychrome paintings