freelance, autonomous, independently
Romoe network members
- Conservation and restoration concepts
- Preliminary examination
- Sculptures and architecture made of stone
- Specialist restoration planning
- Stone objects
- Stone sculpture and stone architecture
- Conservation and restoration concepts
- Documentation
- Handicraft objects
- Metal objects
- Preliminary examination
- Technical cultural assets
Meister und Restaurator im Malerhandwerk
Gugenberger, Steffen
D-64646 Heppenheim, Hessen
Phone: +49 6252 74343
Gugenberger, Steffen
D-64646 Heppenheim, Hessen
Phone: +49 6252 74343
- Architectural and spatial design
- Gilding
- Stucco and stucco sculptures
Diplom-Restauratorin (FH) f. archäologisches Kulturgut
Diplom-Restauratorin (FH)
Gütschow, Carmen
D-10439 Berlin, Berlin
Phone: 0170 8130126
Diplom-Restauratorin (FH)
Gütschow, Carmen
D-10439 Berlin, Berlin
Phone: 0170 8130126
- Archaeological cultural assets and arts and crafts
- Archaeological excavation
- Restoration - General
Atelier Historica
Staatlich geprüfte Restauratorin für Möbel und Hol
Haggeney, Stefanie
D-52379 Langerwehe, Nordrhein-Westfalen
Phone: +49 2409 7014270
Staatlich geprüfte Restauratorin für Möbel und Hol
Haggeney, Stefanie
D-52379 Langerwehe, Nordrhein-Westfalen
Phone: +49 2409 7014270
- Conservation and restoration concepts
- Documentation
- Furniture and room furnishings made of wood
- Panel painting and wood sculpture
- Restoration - General
- Wood and wooden objects
- Archaeological cultural assets and arts and crafts
- Archaeological excavation
- Architectural and spatial design
- Stone sculpture and stone architecture
- Stucco and stucco sculptures
- Wall paintings and stone objects
- Conservation - General
- Conservation and restoration concepts
- Plaster and sockets
- Restoration - General
- Wall painting and architectural color
- Wall painting and ceiling painting
- Gilding
- Panel painting and wood sculpture
- Wood and wooden objects
- Paintings and painting of paintings
- Wall painting and ceiling painting
- Conservation - General
- Panel painting and wood sculpture
- Plaster and sockets
- Polychrome paintings
- Specialist restoration planning
- Wall painting and architectural color
- Conservation and restoration concepts
- Documentation
- Panel painting and wood sculpture
- Picture panels and reredos
- Preliminary examination
- Wall painting and architectural color
Staatl. geprüfter Restaurator
Karisch, Ralf
D-01156 Dresden OT Unkersdorf, Sachsen
Phone: 035204 29947
Karisch, Ralf
D-01156 Dresden OT Unkersdorf, Sachsen
Phone: 035204 29947
- Handicraft objects
- Wood and wooden objects
"Die Schmiede" GmbH
Kaufmann, Martin
D-47137 Duisburg, Nordrhein-Westfalen
Phone: +49 203 4176315
Kaufmann, Martin
D-47137 Duisburg, Nordrhein-Westfalen
Phone: +49 203 4176315
- Conservation and restoration concepts
- Handicraft objects
- Historical, modern and contemporary painting
- Metal objects
- Plastic and sculptures
- Technical cultural assets
Restauratorin für Gemälde und Skulpturen
Keller, Christiane
D-80333 München, Bayern
Phone: 0171 8108671
Keller, Christiane
D-80333 München, Bayern
Phone: 0171 8108671
- Gilding
- Paintings and painting of paintings
- Wood and wooden objects
Putz- und Stuckrestaurierungen
Kenter, Wolfgang
D-74363 Frauenzimmern, Baden-Württemberg
Phone: 07135 16076
Kenter, Wolfgang
D-74363 Frauenzimmern, Baden-Württemberg
Phone: 07135 16076
- Architectural and spatial design
- Stucco and stucco sculptures
- Restoration - General
- Wood and wooden objects
Fassadenbau Klein-Impelmann GmbH
Maurermeister gepr. Restaurator i. Handwerk
Klein-Impelman, Matthias
D-47506 Neukirchen-Vluyn, Nordrhein-Westfalen
Phone: +49 2845 3079750
Maurermeister gepr. Restaurator i. Handwerk
Klein-Impelman, Matthias
D-47506 Neukirchen-Vluyn, Nordrhein-Westfalen
Phone: +49 2845 3079750
- Architectural and spatial design
- Conservation - General
- Plaster and sockets
- Preventive conservation
- Restoration - General
- Specialist restoration planning
Staatl. gepr. Restaurator für Möbel und Holzobjekte
Staatl. gepr. Restaurator
Knittel, Walter
D-80638 München, Bayern
Phone: 089 175140
Staatl. gepr. Restaurator
Knittel, Walter
D-80638 München, Bayern
Phone: 089 175140
- Wood and wooden objects
- Gilding
- Paintings and painting of paintings
- Panel painting and wood sculpture
- Picture panels and reredos
- Polychrome paintings
- Wood and wooden objects
Atelier für Papierrestaurierung
Kuhn, Marita
D-42897 Remscheid-Lennep, Nordrhein-Westfalen
Phone: 02191 4619996
Kuhn, Marita
D-42897 Remscheid-Lennep, Nordrhein-Westfalen
Phone: 02191 4619996
- Book restoration
- Conservation and restoration concepts
- Gilding
- Handicraft objects
- Paper, documents, books and book illumination
- Wallpaper, picture wallpaper and paper backing